7 Common Ohio Weeds That Frustrate Cincinnati Homeowners!

common ohio weeds - dandelions in lawn04/09/2024

You might not agree that Ohio weeds are simply plants in the wrong place, but everyone agrees that some plants seem to always appear where we least want them. The following plants (okay, okay, weeds!) deserve their status as some of the most common lawn weeds creating havoc in our Cincinnati yards. 2 Ways to […]

Custom Lawn Care: What You Get from a Personalized Program

American Landscapes employee caring for Cincinnati lawn03/15/2024

As a homeowner, you take pride in maintaining a beautiful and healthy lawn. However, achieving the perfect lawn can be challenging, especially if you have a busy lifestyle or lack the knowledge and expertise to care for your yard properly. In this article, we’ll explore what custom lawn care is and how it can benefit […]

Lawn Care in March: Follow the Weather

lawn care in march includes dethatching the yard with rake03/01/2024

Are you wondering if you can begin doing your lawn care in March? If that’s the case, let me remind you of an old saying about this month: “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” It refers to, of course, the weather. The early days of the month are still […]

Aeration and Overseeding: Can They Help My Lawn?

aeration and overseeding lawn in Cincinnati02/15/2024

Two key practices, aeration and overseeding, can significantly enhance the health and appearance of your Cincinnati lawn. In this article, we’ll explore what aeration and overseeding involve, their individual benefits, optimal timing for both, and how to prepare your lawn for them. What is the Difference Between Aeration and Overseeding? Proper lawn care goes beyond […]

Lawn Care in February: Yes, There Are Some Important Things You Can Do Now

Grass emerging from snow - lawn care in February02/01/2024

It’s now six weeks after the New Year and we are deep into winter. Cincinnati homeowners know that the second month of the year is a time of bitter cold, dark gray skies, and a combination of rain and snow. Suggesting that someone could do any type of lawn care in February seems ridiculous. But […]

How Long Does It Take for Weed Killer to Work?

how long does it take for weed killer to work - roundup01/26/2024

If you want to know how long does it take for weed killer to work, you’ve come to the right place. As lawn care professionals for years in Cincinnati, we realize that weeds are often the bane of existence for gardeners and homeowners alike. Their presence can hinder the growth of other plants by competing […]